Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am likely the worst blogger ever…

I am horrible at keeping these things updated, though I suppose I can blame my ever hectic work schedule,, or maybe the fact that I am slightly obsessed with a combination of Robot Unicorn Attack and ZOMG, the latter of which I haven’t played in a week, either way its been a while.

Our Australian went home, so now the house is back to just being me and wifey, I both miss her and relish the fact that we have the house to ourselves again. After all, who wants to worry about whether or not they are wearing pants before they leave their bedroom in the morning?

Next month is going to be a busy one for me, my sister is supposed to be having her baby on Christmas day, but in all likelihood it will be sooner. She’s been having false labour all weekend.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


So they finally broke up, and somehow I am not happy. I feel bad for him, and I want to hurt her but at the same time I have this feeling that now he isn’t going to want to be with anyone for quite a while. Now he says he has trust issues and he doesn’t want to commit to any type of relationship.

So I guess my situation was kind of lose lose. There was no way I was coming out of it getting exactly what I wanted. But at least she can’t hurt him anymore, though I have to feeling she will try.

Yeah I’ve become one of those girls that I hate, the ones that never seem to be able to get over the same stupid boy. Heh…

Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekend Review

So yesterday we went to wonderland, it was fun except for Shane spending so much time whining. We lost a good hour of coasters because he was an idiot and had a bagel for breakfast even though he knew it would make him sick… Sadly we lost that hour during the time where there were no lines, so yet again no Behemoth for me. Maybe next year.

Jess found this really awesome new Sherlock Holmes show, done by the BBC, so far there are only three episodes but its just a trial to see how people like them before they decide to make a full show out of it. I really hope it gets the response they are looking for because I would hate to get addicted to a new series only to have it cancelled even before it really begins.

Speaking of shows I am addicted to, True Blood ends this Sunday and though I am looking forward to the episode I am sad to see the season end. Very much looking forward to next season though. Maybe she’ll finally get rid of Bill, god I hate that character, and we will get more Eric time.

Glee starts next week too I believe which I am so excited for! I love that show so hard.

I think I maybe made a decision about stupid boy. I am worth far more than he seems to believe and if he isn’t willing to make the choice to actually be with us, well… maybe we are far better off without him. Plus I know Jess was starting to resent him for all the fucking games he plays. So for now I am hoping that we can remain friends, but I suppose as always the ball is right in his court.

Me and Mitch were actually joking about it the other day, how wouldn’t it be funny if SB actually got the Bitch pregnant, and I think that it might be what his current bullshit issue is. All of a sudden things between them are “complicated now” and really I have no desire to involve myself in that mess any longer.

I wish him the best in his love life and I think I will always love him a bit, and want his body just a little, and I will always hate to see him hurt. But we are all adults now, this isn’t high school and these are games I wouldn’t even play then so why should I start now?

I won’t.



Love and Kisses


Saturday, September 4, 2010


Tomorrow is wonderland!

Today was getting kayla a new phone. Telus is full of assholes, this all. I shall update more later.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stupid Boy

I am so confused, now stupid boy won’t even talk to me, which is very annoying.

I am supposed to be going to Wonderland this weekend, which I am kinda looking forward to, but at the same time, I have no idea who is actually coming. I have no desire to go alone with Shane. Bah!

Work is much the same as it always is, all the work and none of the credit. I am exhausted and tired. But at least this week is a long weekend.

Ta for now!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

She was precious like a flower….

Las night was a mess, I don’t think I will be doing that again any time soon, my life is filled with far too much drama to be drinking like that, not to mention the fact that I made an ass of myself in front of people I love and care about. I really wish Kayla had been able to come, she would have stopped me long before I got to that point, plus it would have been nice to have a girl who would let me cry on her shoulder over Stupid Boy.

I do, however, think that last night may not have been a complete disaster, Mitch told me something I was not supposed to know and it helped. I do wish that Stupid Boy could be more straight forward though, this all could have been avoided if he just didn’t plat these stupid will he won’t he games.


I guess boys are just stupid though, this is why my relationship was so much easier before we fell for stupid boy. It was just the two of us, and at least we both think like girls and know what reactions to expect depending on what we do. But Stupid Boy is an unknown, I have no idea how men’s minds work, it just makes no sense to me.

So now Stupid Boy and Mitch are both asleep on couches, and I feel just a little like throwing up, which would suck seeing as how I have nothing in my stomach. It has also been determined that Mitch clearly cannot feel the bottoms of his feet.

I still love my flower.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A brief moment



Hopes are made to be dashed.

Why the hell do I ever let myself hope?

It finally seemed like he was finally making a final choice, one that actually didn’t end in my being heart broken, and then his girlfriend texted him, and I found out… she is still his damned girlfriend.

Is it really too much for me to wish to be completely happy for just a few moments? Seems so.

Birthday <3

So I’m 23 now! Updating from my brand new laptop. Thanks Katie you are fucking epic!  Also Lots of Mitch and Jesse, I finally got to spend the night with Jesse in my bed! Yay!

Work bought me lunch, and Jesse and Mitch have not given me my presents yet apparently due to bad planning.  Oh well , later, *grin*